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Čo hovoria naši užívatelia

The game concept I like the most is the Special Events system, which allows multiple tactical options that are almost equal in strength. In general I think the Youth Academy is the best feature in the game as it creates a close connection to your own players.

My biggest achievement in Hattrick so far is that I have won some titles with my second team in Bahrain and reached the semifinals of the National Cup in Italy, but I hope, a few months from now, that it will be winning the World Cup for the Italian NT.

Some of my Hattrick friends I've known for more than a decade now, which is longer than quite a few of my real-world friendships. You build up trusting relationships with them, and meet people you'd normally never meet. That's also what I really enjoy about the federations in Hattrick - some are really places where you can share your personal stories. A federation in Hattrick was one of the first places where I disclosed I was going to become a father!

A long, long time ago, my cousin showed me this game, because he knew I like strategy games, especially if it is about football. :) And this fantastic game fit my expectations perfectly! That’s how I got started.

What I like about the Hattrick community? Everything. I like all the help you can get in the forums about the game, but also for everything else it gives you in everyday life. Hattrick is my favorite social network.

I started playing Hattrick in the summer of 2002 when a friend, who I played "Fantasy Wrestling" with online, told me about Hattrick. I made many mistakes in the beginning. At that time there was no such thing as mentors or beginners' guides. So my very first club was bankrupt after only a few weeks. Luckily, I was able to restart with a new club shortly after that and then I did a lot better.

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