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Что говорят наши пользователи

Why I stick around in Hattrick? I think it is love :) I mean, everything I can do to help Hattrick to stay as immersive as it is, is very important to me. I was a moderator, a translator, an editor - just because I felt that Hattrick, in a very peculiar way, was mine. Now I'm a National Coach because of the same reason. I think Hattrick is my game. I want to play forever and stay here with my friends.

A long, long time ago, my cousin showed me this game, because he knew I like strategy games, especially if it is about football. :) And this fantastic game fit my expectations perfectly! That’s how I got started.

What I like about the Hattrick community is that there are real people and you don't just compete against the computers. You play against each other, but you can also help each other in the forum and talk about everything.

I was ranked 1st of all teams in Botswana after the first league round, that was one of the best achievements for me in Hattrick. Of course there's a lot of luck involved there, but hey, they're never going to be able to take that away!

I play Hattrick because it’s an addictive game. The game can be enough on its own … But by adding the community part, it borders on perfection!

The game concept I like the most is the Special Events system, which allows multiple tactical options that are almost equal in strength. In general I think the Youth Academy is the best feature in the game as it creates a close connection to your own players.

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